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About John Lentini

I wrote my first poem when I was twelve—about my experience walking on Nantasket beach where we spent our summers and where I moved to live permanently in 1990. This magical crescent-shaped peninsula is located between the city of Boston and Cape cod. My mother had a profound influence on me. Starting at an early age, she would take me for beach walks at sunset. Influenced by the writings of Rachel Carson and Thoreau, she inspired in me a deep love of nature.


Photography: At that time, my small Instamatic camera held a roll of film with only 12 exposures. Over time, of course, photography advanced to the digital format, allowing me to shoot 1,500 or more images (all on a single SD card). With the digital revolution, my camera became my constant companion. During spring and summer, I planned my days to be out in nature around sunset (or sunrise). I now have a library of about 40,000 photographs. The images on this site offer a selection of some of my favorites—each my personal artistic expression of our magnificent and beautiful world.


Poetry: Trying to reconcile what I felt with what I saw in society confused me deeply. So I turned to nature for inspiration, a sense of connection, authenticity, and balance. Nature's inspiration is everywhere, even in our own backyards. Remember Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz: "There's no place like home." and "If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I shouldn't look any further than my own backyard." So much of my poetry was written in my own backyard.  Writing poetry is like taking snapshots in time, except using words rather than images—almost like writing a diary. Each poem freezes the moment in my memory forever.


PhilosophyI became a liberal eclectic, not wanting to confine myself to any one way of thought. My philosophy of life remained open and changing like the tides. This was as wonderful as it was disconcerting because philosophy seemed to be built on shifting sands—ever changing and renewing. Nature, the only constant, spoke to me endlessly while I was in her presence.  


Politics: My diverse interests in nature, biology, philosophy, sociology, and politics somehow coalesced into a decision to become a family physician. It was remarkable to be able to help individuals one-on-one in the privacy of my office, and on the other hand to help many others in the political realm.  Governmental appointments by governors Romney and Patrick, as well as being president of the Massachusetts Academy of Family Physicians, gave me a forum to become active in healthcare reform. Eventually, the Massachusetts experiment became the model for Obamacare. And so it continues . . .


I have now decided to share my private and personal poetry and photographs with the world, via this website and in my Love and Nature ebook (which is available for purchase in the online store). I do hope that in some way I will be able to open minds to the universal essence we call “consciousness.” We are bound only by the limitations we place upon ourselves.


Be open to all that is. Sense and feel for yourself. All will be revealed.

© 2015 John Lentini

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