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Dancing On Air 

Dancing on Air


How I adore my hilltop abode

      high upon the seas

The raging storm has passed

      Rough be thine fold before me


Fruits of the sea now upon the shores

      feast on below me

      hundreds of seagulls


How I adore to watch the flight before me

      their pearly white bodies against the blue sky

How I long for my love beneath me

      upon the sea

I must capture this moment

      to share with her


Camera in hand . . .  I wait . . .

      for the perfect pair

Two side by side in lovers’ flight

Gliding to smoothly one on one


A ballet on air, a loving sight

Arcing high to the warming sun

Dancing to the song of the pounding surf

            captured for you my love

                  frozen in time

      as you have captured and frozen my heart



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