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Healing Wounds
Healing Wounds
Calm be thine seas before me
At peace be nature’s fold
Soothing hues of light blues
mirror that of the sky
Barely-perceptible thine thoughts ripple thine surface
traveling slowly towards my shore
Soothe my tormented being I ask
tattered and torn and wounded am I
love and life leave me bleeding
how hurt have I allowed my soul to be
Take from me this pain
cleanse my wounds with thy waves
thine soothing touch I feeleth upon the shore
Melteth do I into thee
mine blood, thine salt be one
together sense us each other
Heareth do I thine thoughts
thoughts without words or sound
together blendeth our essence
no border or surface be
salt air
cool waters
sandy shores
be one
ocean without confines
no surf be formed
wound without surface
no bleeding forth
together as one
wounds be not
mine thoughts
thine waves
are one