Each poetry menu features a selection of 10 poems.
From time to time, we will change these selections.
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Afternoon to enjoy
Drunk in my backyard
Waited long for this day
Now it’s here at last.
Long winters befall us here
Now is June upon us
Floating on a raft in my backyard
Dark German beer upon me
How different all looks when imbibed
Totally different perspective
Things move slowly
Sounds linger in echo
Senses dulled be
Yet dulled mean not absent
All still be where is
Just “different” be thy atmosphere
Like . . . circle my house forever may I
Yet only one time in an airplane fly I
All the different my house so appears
So be thine world new
As imbibed so I be
Nothing is changed
Only mine consciousness be altered
As such, so hast all life shifted
Looking at life from different views
This be the key to all
For without this all doth stagnate
Henceforth venture out
Amazed be you and we
At how life changed, second by second
Dependent on where you be