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Ocean Breeze
Bequeath unto me thine gentle touch
brush softly upon my face
thine soft breath be here
tasteth do I thine salty tears
upon thy passing breeze
Cry out to me does she
in fading embrace
Mine existence dependeth upon her flow
Mine sanity she doth sustain
Mine troubles
giveth up to she
fadeth all to but a memory
she returneth to me: gentle waves
: warm sunlight
: salty tears
Senseth I thine pain
thine fading light
Thou hast given unto me life
this fleeting moment to adore
that from which I was born
the circle closes upon us
in eternal embrace
link our folds
thine fate be mine
O’er she comes softly towards me
Swelling to climax on high
take me . . . take me . . .
she crashes to shore
foaming upwards upon my legs
now I am one with thee
what rapture to be in thine embrace
covered with thine salty wet love
’tis for this that I have come
to caress thee upon the shores
tears of joy swell within
dripping from me
blending with thee
in total ecstasy am I with thee
in climactic loving embrace
Majestic beauty before me
In awe am I of thy splendor
The awesome presence of thine countenance
humble bows I before thee
Such wealth bestoeth thee before me
Worthy of thine presence
now must proveth I
taketh all thy giveth do I
sustaineth mine essence
reborn each day am I
cleansed by thy rising sun
awed by her setting
romanced by thy evening moon
Striveth shall I to nurture thy health
to heal the wounds I have inflicted
This miracle of life and love fleeting shall not be
Eternal by our existence
These mortal hands thou hath created
shall return the balance to thee