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Below you will find a selection of resources with live links to other websites that feature useful and inspiring information about poetry, photography, philosophy/spirituality, and politics . . . 



The Nature Photographers Network is an international cooperative network of amateur and professional photographers dedicated to the art and technique of nature, wildlife and landscape photography. 

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To be considered for this list of the top 10 most influential nature photographers of all-time, they had to have left a lasting impact either on society or on future photographers. Most of these photographers can be considered revolutionary, in their own right, whereas the majority of photographers are evolutionary. Many photographers in recent years have made a name for themselves in the digital era, but it is too soon to know who will leave a lasting impact on future generations.

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Floris van Breugel is a postdoctoral researcher in Neuroethology / Neuroecology (the study of the neural basis for ecologically relevant behavior) at the California Institute of Technology. He is also passionate about exploring nature, and sharing his unique perspective through photography with the aim of inspiring viewers to learn more about the natural world. 

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Philosophy / Spirituality

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The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, transformative learning, and engaging a global community in the realization of our human potential.



They conduct, advance, and broaden the science of what connects us, reaching new understandings about the nature of reality and our extended capacities.  They create real-world tools that empower people to apply conscious awareness in their personal lives, and in healthcare, education, and business. They also  host a vibrant community of explorers and change agents  working together to make a difference in the world.



To create a shift in consciousness worldwide—where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole and are inspired to take action to help humanity and the planet thrive.

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Author, teacher, international speaker, writing coach/editor, and consciousness coach, Christian de Quincey, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy and Consciousness Studies at John F. Kennedy University, and adjunct faculty at The Holmes Institute. He is also founder of The Wisdom Academy, offering private mentorships in consciousness studies. 


Dr. de Quincey is author of the award-winning book 'Radical Nature: The Soul of Matter' and 'Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness through Relationship,' as well as 'Consciousness from Zombies to Angels' and 'Deep Spirit: Cracking the Noetic Code.' His latest book 'BlindSpots: 21 Good Reasons to Think Before You Talk' is available online and in bookstores nationwide. 

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Peter Russell studied mathematics and theoretical physics at Cambridge University (UK).
As he became increasingly fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind he changed to experimental psychology. Pursuing this interest, he traveled to India to study meditation and Eastern philosophy, and on his return took up the first research post ever offered in Britain on the psychology of meditation.


His principal interest is the deeper, spiritual significance of the times we are passing through. His work seeks to distill the essence of the world's spiritual traditions and present it in ways relevant to the current times. He lives in California.

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For more than ten years and over nine million downloads Squashed Philosophers has been the favorite way of making sense of the great Western philosophers. Their abridged editions let you get to grips with a great idea in an hour or so, whether to prepare yourself for something bigger, or just for the joy of discovery. These versions are not complete and they're not perfect, but they do let you do something the originals can’t—get a sort of grand overview overview of the basic universe of human ideas, without having to just take other people's word for it.

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Re-Invent Democracy International GmbH was recently incorporated in Switzerland by a Swiss citizen to take advantage of the country's neutrality, strict privacy laws, advanced technologies and world renowned universities. It has also successfully blended direct democracy with representative democracy, providing an exemplary model for increasing democratic accountability, power sharing, and dialogue.


The company's international team includes European and American technologists, social scientists, web entrepreneurs, and business executives. The team plans to work with the Swiss R&D community to build a global social network for voters, which will be the world's first large-scale consensus building and conflict resolution platform.

Host and producer Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove has returned to TV to interview leading figures in philosophy, psychology, health, science, and spirituality. 

Check out his YouTube channel:

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Explaining Consciousness

Consciousness is a fundamental aspect of our existence, says philosopher David Chalmers: "There's nothing we know about more directly . . . but at the same time it's the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe." In this TED Talk, Chalmers shares some ways to think about the movie playing in our heads.

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