Each poetry menu features a selection of 10 poems.
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Rhythm of Life
How gentle be your touch
How gracefully spreadeth thou thine fingers
caressing so softly thine confines
Seems to me that thou seeketh not escape
preferring and heeding the returning ebb
Mourneth not I your fleeting stroke
for your sister embraces me next
In thy rhythm of life we are united
caressing in rhythm my beating heart
returning to thine source as doth sigh mine lungs
In thou reflecteth thine setting light
in me reflecteth the same
To thou reacheth I to meet your touch
together we have changed the world
Believeth not I that ’twas your turn and now
’tis mine
For together our efforts are compounded
And so I shall sigh, beat on my heart
with thoughts of you forever
And so shall you stroke the shore
retaining my memories from view