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The Show


Why doth darkness draw me near?

Why feareth not I the lack of light?

Me thinks heaven is closer at night

Less to see and more to feel.

Sneaketh I like a child off into the night

After all else is asleep

The house is quiet

Out cometh I to admire

What simple beauty you are

White on black

Light on dark

Light in circles and dots

      and wispy flowing changing silk strands

What wonders performeth thou in thy night

Peace and calm flows down upon me

Like a little puppy

      I lap it all up

Nourished to face the next day

A day of contradiction

One not of our making, but ours

How confusing we make it

See how the last three lines ruined the flow?

Back to the darkness

Caress me near

Thy chill of night is my warmth

Let’s get on with the show!


The Show

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